Over 6,000 Children Served

Political unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has greatly crippled the country, resulting in a dynamic humanitarian crisis. Access to basic needs is limited for the average Congolese person. In Kamina, we often hear stories of families scrambling to find food. Many prioritize feeding the youngest in the family, while others go hungry.
Each Christmas, CORI reaches out to the most vulnerable children. This Christmas, CORI organized a Christmas celebration entitled “For the Children,†hosting CORI’s children and thousands more not already benefiting from CORI’s programs. Children were divided into smaller groups, transported by bus to the community center, and served a hearty meal. Over the span of a week, 6,000 children attended the celebration, where we have made a commitment to fill bellies with a nourishing meal and fill souls with laughter, love, and life. No words can describe the deep satisfaction we feel by serving these most-vulnerable children.